Author Archives: Alan Barker

ERYC – Supporting Local Communities

Rural Matters have asked Ellerker Parish Council to raise awareness about their work in championing rural issues.

Please see the new landing-page for the Website.

The organisation is keen that rural residents, businesses and organisations involved in rural development access and make full use of the Website and help to support rural communities. Ellerker Residents are encouraged to get involved.

East Riding Draft Design Code Consultation Monday 21st October – Monday 2nd December 2024

East Riding of Yorkshire Council are consulting on a Draft East Riding Design Code and inviting your comments.

Draft Design Code consultation (

The Draft East Riding Design Code aims to encourage the creation of connected, distinctive and inclusive places that are walkable, green, and sustainable while taking into consideration their context: the built environment and the landscape.

The council previously conducted a period of public and stakeholder consultation in late 2023 and early 2024 on a draft version of the design code. Changes to the 2023 draft code have been made based on the feedback received during that consultation.

How to view and comment on the documents

During the consultation period, the Draft East Riding Design Code, the Draft Compliance Checklist, the Draft Allocations Place Types and supporting documents will be available online at for viewing and downloading. Alternatively, you can find a printed version of the document in all libraries and customer service centres in the East Riding, where you can make a copy of the response form.

To have your say on the draft document please complete the survey online at before Monday 2nd December.

For any questions about the consultation please contact .

Comments will be made available on the council website in due course. The council only redacts personal data with respect to email addresses, telephone numbers and signatures. To ensure we can log all responses and keep you informed of progress on the Local Plan and related documents, your details will be retained and used in accordance with our privacy notice, available to read at:

Following the consultation period, the feedback will be collated and reviewed. Where appropriate, changes will be made to the draft document prior to adoption of the document. It is anticipated that the Design Code SPD will be adopted in early 2025.

Yorkshire Water Community Engagement Event – 19 October 2024

Message from Kellie Foster – Yorkshire Water Corporate Affairs

As you may know, last winter there was significant flooding across East Riding, with significant impacts to the village of Ellerker. This flooding was caused by extremely high groundwater levels and at points, the water infiltrated our network. At that time, we mitigated the situation in order to allow customers to retain the use of their facilities and to prevent sewage escapes into customers homes and gardens.

As a result of this, we are holding a community event on Saturday 19 October at Ellerker Village Hall from 10am to 12pm.

This event will explain to customers what action we took over last winter to mitigate the problems they experienced, and what work we have done since this time. In addition, we will be offering advice on what individual homeowners can do to protect themselves from flooding, how to take advantage of our financial support packages for those in receipt of a low income, give advice on blockages and how to prevent them, sign people up to our Priority Services Register (for those who need a little extra support) along with much more.

The session will be interactive and suitable for all ages. Customers who live outside of Ellerker are also welcome to attend.

We would be delighted if you could attend the event, and help us to spread awareness of it so we can reach as many of your constituents as possible. I will also be inviting Sir David Davis MP as well as the Dale Ward Councillors. We will also be contacting the most impacted residents directly, as well advertising the event on our social media channels.

We hope that this event will be positive and a chance for our customers to ask any questions that they may have about Yorkshire Water.


ERYC Council Tax Support Consultation

ERYC has undertaken a Review Panel enquiry into the Council Tax Support scheme.
As a result, the Review Panel has made 9 recommendations, which include a proposal to change the Council Tax support scheme. Any change to a Council Tax Support scheme requires public consultation.
At it’s meeting on 24 July 2024, Full Council endorsed the recommendations of the Review Panel and as a result, the Council has now launched its consultation.
Please may I take this opportunity to make you aware that the Consultation is live and that both the Parish Council and residents can submit responses.
The Council wants as many people as possible to submit their views and therefore encourages anyone who wants to take part, to complete the questions in the Consultation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Patrick Woodhead
Programme Manager

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Update – August 2024

Please see the link below to the Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Opinion.

ERYC Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Opinion – Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan

The result of this initial screening is that an Environmental Report covering the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive is not required and that a Habitats Regulations Assessment is not required to accompany the Ellerker Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The screening opinion has been published and made available to view on the ERYC website.

Ellerker neighbourhood plan (

The next step is the consultation process. The ERYC Planning Policy team are preparing a policy map, which will be included as an appendix to the Ellerker Plan along with a list of statutory consultees to whom the plan will be shared.

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Update – July 2024

Please find attached the latest version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan which has been updated to include the revised local green spaces information.

The Ellerker Neighbourhood Planning Group are working on the draft Basic Conditions Statement to bring it in line with the advice received from the ERYC Planning  Policy Team. The draft Consultation Statement will be updated once the Regulation 14 pre-submission consultations have been undertaken.

Ellerker Parish Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan 23 JULY 2024

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Update – June 2024

On the 24th of May members of the Neighbourhood Plan Development Team met with the ERYC forward planners and subsequently received feedback from ERYC regarding the Local Green Spaces. ERYC have subsequently agreed to provide a map of the green spaces that can be included in the appendix of the NDP, showing these areas with the relevant constraints.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been updated with the required amendments as of 17th May. The update following the meeting on the 24th May is not included as yet. The  document is available via the following link. Please note this version is raw and not refined.

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan 05.06.24

There will be further updates to the plan as we incorporate additional feedback and refinements. We are still waiting for feedback on the screening opinion from the Department of Environment and also feedback from ERYC on the draft basic condition statement and draft consultation statement.

Please find below the original documents to allow you to track the changes.

ELLERKER Neighbourhood Plan 28.05.24

Views Appendix ver1Views Appendix ver1