Ellerker Playing Fields Committee – AGM

This year’s Ellerker Playing Fields AGM will be held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 7pm. The PFC requires a minimum of 5 trustees, plus of course a number of volunteers, to ensure the upkeep of both playing fields so that these can be enjoyed by all those in our community. Two trustees have advised that they will be stepping down at the AGM which leaves the positions of Treasurer and Committee Member available. The PFC requires a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and 2 other trustees as a minimum. All current PFC trustees are also open to stepping down so good time to consider joining the committee if you are interested.

Due to the current climate, we are unsure of the meeting details. Therefore in the same way as last year, we request that those wanting to attend please email . Please also confirm your intention to join as a trustee and in what capacity as this will help us in our planning. We will then email everyone before the meeting advising of the meeting details.

Thank you

Ellerker Playing Field Committee