Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Update May 2024

We would like to inform you about the progress of the Ellerker Neighbourhood Development Plan, which we consulted you about last year . The core of the plan, covering the years 2024 to 2039, based on your feedback has been developed with the assistance of Urban Glow consultants, funded by a grant we received. We are currently fine-tuning the plan with the help of EYRC to ensure it meets our requirements and can pass an external examiner’s scrutiny, as required by law.

We will be consulting you again for your opinions over a six-week period in the near future as mandated by regulation, on the pre-submission plan. The plan will be publicised for your review before the independent examination. This will be followed by a referendum, and if the referendum supports the plan, it will be adopted.

Further information is available via the following links

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan First working draft

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Sample Views Analysis

The Steering Committee and Ellerker Parish Council

Ellerker Community – Dates for your diary

To commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D Day, the St Anne’s Church bell will be rung in line with the “World in Ringing Out for Peace” at 6.30pm on Thursday 6th June 2024.

On Friday 7th June 2024 at 7pm the Ellerker Community Groups are hosting a D Day 80 Celebration Service at St Anne’s Church. All are welcome to attend the service followed by refreshments in the church and then the Village Hall.

The Ellerker Community Groups  would like to acknowledge the support of the East Riding
of Yorkshire Council D-Day 80 Community Fund, with a grant awarded to support the above events and the installation of a new D Day 80 memorial bench on the small playing field.

The Ellerker Summer Fayre and Beer Festival will be taking place on the 8th June 2024.

Ellerker Village Fayre Saturday 8th June 2024 | Facebook

South Cave Show will also be held on Monday 26th August 2024. Further information is available via the following link. South Cave Show

If any Ellerker Community Groups have any further events to publicise, please contact Alan Barker (Email – )

BT Open Reach Telegraph Poles Installation – Ellerker

Representatives from Ellerker Parish Council met with the Openreach Chief Engineer – Technical Fibre on Friday 3rd May 2024 to discuss the proposed sites of additional wooden telegraph poles required to improve and future-proof broadband speed to the village. Further information was provided for residents at the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 9th May 2024.

The additional poles will be on Howden Croft Hill with 2 positioned on the opposite verge and 1 near the top of the hill on the house side. There will also be 1 additional pole on Ring Beck Lane. The telegraph poles will support the upgrade of the old copper network to full fibre. Poles need to be closer together to support the upgrade but only this part of the village requires new poles due to the age of this part of the network. There will be one single new wire connecting these telegraph poles.

It was clear that Openreach and other providers have faced residents’ opposition in other villages and are taking every step they can, within the realms of what is possible, to minimize disruption and protect views from houses. Residents have had the opportunity to contact BT Openreach as per the information provided on the current telegraph poles. The benefit to residents will be an increase in Broadband speed from circa 80 Mbps to 900Mbps. The work should be completed by the end of July.

The planned installation date for the new telegraph pole on Ring Beck Lane (Opposite Holmfield) is Tuesday 14th May and the Howden Croft Hill poles on Friday 17th May 2024. The Howden Croft Hill Poles will be opposite the boundary of Howden Croft / Rosemount, Rise Garth / Hill Garth and outside Mayflower (Just to the north of the gate but shielded by the current trees).

Ellerker Community – Dates for your diary

The Playing Fields AGM will be in the village hall on the 16th April 2024, 7pm start. All villagers are welcome to attend and anyone wishing to join the committee would be welcome to volunteer on the night.

Ellerker Village Hall – Fashion Show by Collections of Beverley. Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 7.30pm.Tickets are available from Mike and Sue Parker 01430 266731; Mike Barnett 01430 266548; and Ron Maitland –

Residents are warmly invited to attend the Annual Parish meeting to be held on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 6.30pm at Ellerker Village Hall when Village Groups will have the opportunity to share with local resident’s and the Parish Council details of the activities undertaken by their group over the last year and planned for the coming year. Information is included below with regards to the relevant legislation. This meeting only hears and meets the business of the electors. Following this meeting the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place starting at 7.30pm.

St Anne’s Church Ellerker Presents: a Recital by Michal Szostak, International Organist. Saturday 11th May 2024 7.00 pm.  Admission is by donation and refreshments will be served after the concert in the Village Hall. (Tickets will be available to reserve your seat).

The Community Groups are planning a D Day 80 Celebration Service at St Anne’s Church on Friday 7th June 2024. The St Anne’s Church bell will be rung in line with the “World in Ringing Out for Peace” at 6.30pm on 6th June 2024

The Ellerker Summer Fayre and Beer Festival will be taking place on the 8th June 2024.




Ellerker Annual Parish and Council Meetings

Residents are warmly invited to attend the Annual Parish meeting to be held on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 6.30pm at Ellerker Village Hall when Village Groups will have the opportunity to share with local resident’s and the Parish Council details of the activities undertaken by their group over the last year and planned for the coming year. Information is included below with regards to the relevant legislation. This meeting only hears and meets the business of the electors.

The Annual Parish meeting is a meeting held of the electors. Local Government Act 1972 14 (1) states the Parish meeting of a parish shall assemble annually on some day between the 1st March and the 1st June. It is not a Council meeting, it does not act on issues or items of the Parish Council. Only electors on the electoral register can vote on any item at this meeting.

The Agenda has to be sent out with 7 working days’ notice is chaired by the chairman of the Parish Council. The parish having a separate Parish Council means that the chairman of the Parish Council shall preside. (Local Government Act 1972 16 & 17 (1) & (2)) A question can be asked by the voters or a poll called. (Local Government Act 1972 18 (1-6))

Following this meeting the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place starting at 7.30pm.

Ellerker Village Annual Litter Pick – Saturday 16th March 2024

Residents are warmly invited to join in the rewarding and fun Annual Litter Pick as part of the National Great British Spring Clean.

• Volunteers are asked to meet at the Village Hall at 10am and will be allocated a team and
a zone in which to work.
• Litter picker-ups and bags will be provided along with high visibility jackets for those
working along the busier roads, kindly provided by ERYC and Sewells on the Go, South Cave
• Please bring your own gloves. It is also advisable to bring a bucket in which to place the
many bottles and cans as these can split the bags.

Ellerker Public Meeting and Parish Council meeting

The next Ellerker Parish Council meeting will be held at Ellerker Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 4th January 2024. All residents are welcome.

The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Prior to the meeting there will be a public meeting to discuss the National Grid – North Humber to High Marnham grid upgrade project – Stage one consultation.

National Grid will be attending a public meeting at 6.30pm to provide an update on the project. They will provide a more detailed briefing from members of the project team. This will include more in-depth discussions about feedback, next steps and their social value strategy.

Free activities in the Christmas holidays for children and young people

ERYC are into the second year of a 3-year Department for Education funded programme which enables children and young people who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals who attend an East Riding school to eat healthily and be active during the school holidays.  There are over 20 Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) delivery partners organising fun activities across the East Riding during the Christmas holidays, with sessions lasting at least 4 hours and a meal is provided for each participant too.  All of the programmes are inclusive, but HAF also offer a specific programme of activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Attached are some flyers of all the programmes that are taking place across the county.


If parents and carers see something they feel their child will enjoy, all they have to do is get in touch with the provider to secure their child’s place.  All East Riding pupils in receipt of benefits related free school meals are able to attend a maximum of 4 activities for free in the Christmas holidays and there are also a limited number of places available to children and young people who have an Education, Health and Care plan regardless of their financial situation.

For more information please contact Vicky Jude – Holiday Activities and Food Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer, Children and Young People’s Specialist Services, Children, Families and Schools
:  07726466555

Group email:   
Web:  www.eastriding.gov.uk